Imbali News

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kele has 11 pups

At last we managed to get Kele (Imbali Kelele AI) into whelp thanks to the "services" of Nyassa Adam. Kele then had an easy whelping on 16 October 2010 producing 11 puppies. Kele's sire was SA & ZIM CH Globes's Roving Red Regent, a top winning brown nosed Ridgeback in South Africa, and with Adam also carrying the "liver" gene we expected to have some brown nosed pups in Kele's litter. She produced 6 liver (or brown nosed) pups and 5 black nosed pups, the total tally being 6 dogs pups (2 black and 4 brown nosed) and 5 bitch pups (3 black and 2 brown nosed). This is first time we have had brown nosed pups in our breeding and we are extremely pleased with the quality of Kele's litter.

Although the whelping went very smoothly, Kele subsequently developed a very high temperature, was violently sick and we ended up at the emergency vets at 1 am. Pups were dehydrating so I was kept very busy ensuring the pups were hydrated with glucose water followed by watered down Whelpi. I had about 5 hrs sleep in 5 days, it was a very worrying time as Kele's temperature fluctuated but eventually settled and, thankfully, she started to produce milk and feed her puppies. From then on all went well and the pups are now 5 wks old, weigh between 4 and 5 kg and tucking into meat with hearty appetites.

kiera has a litter of 7

Kiera (Harvesttrail Kiera of Imbali JW) had a wonderful litter of 7 puppies on 16 June 2010 sired by a South African imported liver nosed male called Umfana.